How Do You Talk To Yourself? (and trust me, you talk to yourself)
Welcome back! The topic for this blog is all about self-talk. Some people think it is weird to talk to yourself, but the reality is that we do it all day, so let's make it meaningful.
I have found that people often say unhelpful things to themselves which can create feelings of worthlessness, negativity, and guilt. The words we tell ourselves will frame the kind of day, week, and life we live. It is important to be realistic with our words, but also to use helpful words.
I find it best to use self-talk phrases that feel real to you- phrases you actually believe about yourself to help when you are feeling down or anxious, or not good enough.
Use compassion when you talk to yourself--- talk to yourself the same way you would a friend.
Some self-talk statements I like include:
I am learning that I am capable
My strength is greater than this struggle
I can do this
I have dealt with more difficult challenges and can use that strength to get through this challenge
I am (learning that I am) worthy of love and happiness
I am not my mistakes
I can make mistakes and learn from them
I am learning that I deserve love, compassion, and empathy
I am ready to accept good in my life
I am enough
I am willing to learn that I am a good person and deserve good things in my life
Shifting our self-talk can change our thinking, how we feel, and our reactions. I find it helpful to write them on post-it notes or create art with them and put them in places I see often (night stand, mirror in the bathroom, dashboard of my car, etc).
Thanks for reading and being in connection with me,