4th of July Can Spark Trauma Responses

Hello! The 4th of July is coming up, and for some people it is an exciting time, but for others who have experienced trauma, the loud firework noises can lead to an increase in anxiety. The memories and feelings of the trauma may feel more intense, too.

If you are concerned this week may be difficult for you, here are a few ideas to try:

1. Have a "tool kit" ready with self-care items such as essential oils, candles, books, pictures you like, crossword puzzles, and music you enjoy. 

2. Consider getting ear plugs or noise cancelling earphones to wear to try and muffle some of the noises.

3. Be compassionate with yourself and accept that the reactions you are having are normal, rather than being embarrassed and ashamed.

4. Be mindful about the present moment- remembering that you are safe right now and the noises are not the trauma occurring again. 

5. Plan a get away- can you spend a few nights away from the city and somewhere quieter, or where it is illegal to have fireworks in residential areas?

6. Use grounding techniques- identifying 5 things you notice with your senses, position yourself with your back against a wall and notice how it feels to be supported, practice deep breathing and count to 5 with each inhale and exhale, or notice what is around you and things that help you feel safe right now. 

7. Try using an app to help distract you, especially ones like Virtual Hope Box or PTSD coach, which are designed to help people who are managing anxiety or PTSD symptoms. 

Millions of people deal with PTSD, so if you are struggling this holiday week, remember that you are not alone. 

Thanks for reading and being in connection with me,


Stephanie StavaComment